Topic > Twitter

Twitter set to unveil revamped search and discovery features

4 small social networks that have a big impact on users

Google praises Twitter for efforts to crack down on Internet censorship

Twitter marketers: why almost everything you know from Facebook is wrong

LinkedIn: Twitter won’t share, so use LinkedIn to tweet instead

HootSuite: 4 million users can now manage Instagram & SlideShare too

Twitter open-sources Iago load generator, so you can check yourself before you wreck yourself

New law will make sex offenders list their conviction statuses on Facebook, Twitter

Twitter to push ad products to 50 countries by year’s end

Twitter goes down for more than a hour

Social in the enterprise: American companies experiment more, European companies integrate better

DARPA asks: What tech from science fiction would you most like to see as science fact?

For brands on Facebook — 6 ways to push beyond the “Like”

Watch the world unfold in real-time with geo-located tweets

How to protect yourself from a Twitter-fueled PR disaster

Twitter enriches tweets with even more media goodness

The new philosophy behind Twitter Trends (hint: it’s all about you)

Apple takes a few cues from Chrome with latest Safari updates

Will TV commercials really help Twitter go mainstream?

Twitter goes deeper into Facebook with photo and hashtag integration

Twitter cripples just-launched Thunderclap for automating tweets en masse

Unlike Facebook, Twitter’s mobile revenue rivals the desktop

Larry laid to rest as new Twitter bird takes flight

OH: Twitter’s revenue may soar to $1B by 2014

Welcome to Generation Tweet: 31 percent of online 18 to 24-year-olds use Twitter

Hello new #NewTwitter: Blazing speed and death to those #!#! hashbangs

Twitter-fueled hedge fund bit the dust, but it actually worked

CornellNYC Tech taps ex-Twitter CTO as Founding Entrepreneurial Officer

Pakistan bans, then unblocks Twitter over ‘blasphemous’ Muhammad drawings (update)

Twitter uses millions of embedded Tweet buttons to customize your Who-to-Follow experience

Twitter brings its best to your inbox with new email service

Twitter nabs targeting pros behind startup RestEngine

Twitter defends rights of user, quashes subpoena for tweets

TwitPic, now with 35M users, releases app for iPhone

DataSift scores new round to make sense of social data, plans move into startup city

Twitter tries to better predict the stories you want to see

Twitter releases eight case studies for developers to digest

Twitter for iPhone, Android updated with better search and discovery features