Topic > Twitter

AMEX’s new Twitter integration is “brilliant” marketing

American Express transforms Twitter hashtags into savings for cardholders

Twitter founders “Branch” out, back tool for “high quality public discourse”

Twitter now comes in Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew, & Urdu

Apple’s App Store still scorching hot, surpasses 25B downloads

Shhhh: Betaworks releases new version of anarchist Twitter alternative

When marketers create their own content, what can you charge them for?

Twitter ads now unavoidable in iPhone, Android apps

Charles River closes $375M to invest in mobile and software startups

Ghost town watch: People spend more time monthly on MySpace than Google+

On Twitter, the Oscar winners don’t stack up to the Grammys or Superbowl

Every 60 seconds in social media (infographic)

Tumblr bans blogs that promote eating disorders and suicide

Apple’s shareholder meeting: no dividends yet, Facebook a “friend”

Buffer tweets for you, when the time is right

Twitter’s revenue heads into international waters

New privacy policy agreement forces apps to disclose data use

Will Twitter ever be a contender in the war for online ad revenue?

Twitter updates iPhone and Android apps, releases Kindle Fire app

If you love browsing Facebook, but loathe dealing with email, try Fluent

Yandex strikes deal with Twitter for access to tweets

Americans spend 100K years on Facebook each month (infographic)

Twitter partners with AmEx to tackle local ad market

New Microsoft trend aggregator reveals we are all horrible people

Apple blesses Twitter as the social network of Mountain Lion, shuns Facebook

Facebook pulls a Twitter yet again by adding verified accounts

Finally, Apple will enforce its rules about apps uploading your data

Your address book is mine: Many iPhone apps take your data

Twitter employees frustrated by golden handcuffs, can’t sell more than 20% of their shares

140 characters can get Indonesians 12 years in jail

Obama shows further mastery of social by tweeting Spotify campaign playlist

Nivio pulls in $21M to make cloud computing cheaper and more student-friendly

Biggest Super Bowl loser is Netflix: Traffic down 40 percent during the game

How Twitter captures the heartbeat of current affairs (infographic)

Brazil attempting to block tweets with speed trap locations

Twitter hits a peak of 12K tweets per second during Super Bowl

A roundup of the Super Bowl and tech, by the numbers

A web geek’s round-up for watching the Super Bowl
