Topic > Watch Dogs

Nintendo marketing exec Scott Moffit on staying relevant in this console generation (interview)

The vigilante tragedy: How Watch Dogs modernizes Hitchcock’s ‘Rear Window’

In Watch Dogs, your friends can hack your character in the single-player game (multiplayer preview)

Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot sees big opportunity in the console transition (interview)

Nintendo shows off third-party support

Ubisoft E3 press briefing liveblog (livestream)

Fresh Watch Dogs trailer appears online a day before Ubisoft’s pre-E3 briefing

Ubisoft plans to show Watch Dogs, Splinter Cell, and more during its E3 presentation

ROUNDTABLE'D! Game characters red-ring the Xbox One!

Here are all the new games coming for Xbox One (updated)

Ubisoft sales up; plans 5 major games this year including something new

Watch Dogs’ lead writer talks anti-heroes in the hackable city

GamesBeat weekly roundup: WoW loses 1.3M subscribers, Amazon brings paid apps to China, Q1 earnings, and more

Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs highlights the down side of smart cities (preview)

Watch Dog creators bring the reality of ‘smart cities’ to games (interview)

Watch Dogs creates an open-world morality (preview)

Chicago and violence star in the latest Watch Dogs trailer

Jade Raymond’s growing empire at Ubisoft (interview)

It takes 600 people for Ubisoft to make a triple-A game on PlayStation 4

The DeanBeat: Sorting through the significance of Sony’s PlayStation 4 revelation

PlayStation 4 trailer roundup: New Infamous, new IP, and more

GamesBeat’s complete coverage of Sony’s PlayStation 4 announcement

Ubisoft announces Watch Dogs for the PlayStation 4

The best video game trailers of 2012

GamesBeat’s gigantic E3 2012 roundup

Bored, impressed, and giddy: Our final thoughts on E3 2012 (with photos)

Turning technology against your friends in Watch Dogs

GamesBeat’s E3 2012 Game of the Show…plus staff picks

The GamesBeat E3 2012 Non-Award Awards: The least prestigious awards in the industry

The coolest technologies we saw at E3 2012

Aisha Tyler: Ubisoft’s meme machine

GamesBeat E3 Roundup Day 1

You are the network in Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs