Topic > Xbox One

Earn loot by reporting trolls in Xbox Live’s new community programs

EA’s top geek Scott Cronce steers us through gaming’s future technology (interview)

Is the GamesBeat community ready to forgive the Xbox One?

Microsoft wants everyone to make games (or apps) for Xbox One (interview)

Microsoft may soon have a more indie-friendly console than Sony or Nintendo (UPDATED)

Madden, FIFA players can carry over Ultimate Team items from current gen to PlayStation 4, Xbox One

Capcom reboots Strider franchise for Xbox One and PlayStation 4

Xbox 360 sales slow for Microsoft in Q4

How Kinect automatically loads player settings in Killer Instinct for Xbox One

Report: Apple considering $300M purchase of first-gen Microsoft Kinect gesture-sensor provider

Xbox One chief product officer admits big mistakes in messaging

The DeanBeat: Microsoft goes crazy with its appointment of new gaming chief

Did Microsoft lose the war of attention at E3? Think again (exclusive)

Microsoft: Hey small businesses, you need an Xbox One for businessy reasons

Microsoft’s head of Windows takes over Xbox division

How Xbox One’s reputation system is better than Xbox 360’s

What Xbox boss Don Mattrick’s exit means for Xbox One

Confirmed: Xbox chief Don Mattrick to leave Microsoft for Zynga’s top job

Report: Zynga to hire Microsoft’s game chief Don Mattrick as CEO

Why Sony believes the PlayStation 4 needs PC chips

Ahead of Xbox One, Time Warner Cable brings 300 live channels to Xbox 360

Conan O’Brien visits E3 to pick his favorite console

ROUNDTABLE’D! Game characters do an Xbox One-eighty!

Xbox Live is down (update)

Xbox One still ‘committed to the cloud,’ but it loses digital-game sharing

Always listening: Microsoft doesn’t resent vociferous fans

Microsoft abandons Xbox One used-game and DRM polices

Xbox One’s Project Spark may actually live up to its ‘be anything you want it to be’ billing

Nintendo: ‘No plans to change the price of Wii U’

The best technology demos of E3

The demo for Wolfenstein: The New Order was amazing — here’s why

Finding old-school charm in Xbox One’s new-school Killer Instinct (preview)

E3 game deals: Battlefield 4, Arkham Origins, and more at 25% off

Dead Rising 3: The 3 big changes for Xbox One

Sony’s Jon Koller on why the market says Sony won E3 (interview)

The DeanBeat: Microsoft’s costly mistake at E3 and how to recover from it

As E3 2013 sets up a new console war, Microsoft and Sony (and even Nintendo) should heed these four lessons

Confident or concerned? Gamestop president says he views next gen as ‘business as usual’