Topic > Xbox One

Xbox Live, PlayStation Network holiday cyberattacker convicted of 50K criminal charges

Xbox boss explains why he respects PlayStation’s development chief Shu Yoshida so much

Xbox Live down for many on Xbox One, Xbox 360 (updated)

PlayStation 4 is ruling Europe with a market share between 70% and 90%

Windows 10’s latest preview adds even more Xbox gaming features

Xbox One free game bonus returns for the summer, includes Arkham Knight

Xbox One won E3, according to Amazon U.K. and social-network data

The best (and dumbest) jokes, memes, and GIFs from E3 2015

Xbox Live is down for many on Xbox One and 360

Destiny is down for maintenance (updated)

The Xbox One Elite controller justifies its $150 price

The revamped Xbox One controller fixes the bumpers

Xbox boss Phil Spencer on why he represented Windows 10 at E3’s PC Gaming Show

Microsoft is taking backward compatibility requests for Xbox One

World of Tanks rumbles over to the Xbox One on July 28 — with Xbox 360 cross-platform play

Bethesda: ‘We hope to bring’ mods to PS4 as well

Everything Microsoft announced at its Xbox One E3 event: Halo, Fallout 4 mods, and more

Xbox Live down after Microsoft’s E3 event

Xbox One is getting its own Early Access with Day Z, The Long Dark, and something new

Rare’s classic games return in a new Xbox One collection

Square Enix shows Xbox One exclusive Lara Croft in Rise of the Tomb Raider

Microsoft’s ID@Xbox indie program shows off gorgeous games Cuphead, Tacoma, and more

Forza Motorsport 6 welcomes the Ford GT to the race on Sept. 15

Dark Souls III is real — watch the trailer right here

Xbox One is getting PC mods — starting with Fallout 4

Microsoft announces the Xbox One Elite customizable controller

Xbox One gets Xbox 360 backward compatibility — something the PlayStation 4 doesn’t have with PS3

Xbox One gets exclusive from Mega Man creator and former Metroid Prime developers

Microsoft: Xbox One sales up 81% year-over-year in May

May 2015 NPD: PlayStation 4 tops console sales as The Witcher III has strong debut

PlayStation 4 outsells Xbox One in May, according to NPD data

Everything Oculus VR announced at its pre-E3 Rift event today

The Oculus-Microsoft alliance is just a stopgap, not a powershift

Windows 10 can stream Xbox One games to Oculus Rift VR

Digital gaming generated $979M last month in the U.S.

What to expect from Microsoft at E3 2015: Halo, Tomb Raider, and more

Halo 5: Guardians set to be Xbox’s ‘biggest ever game’

Xbox One Wireless controller adapter for Windows 10 goes on sale this fall for $25