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Mass Effect 3

Holy crap. No, seriously, you guys. You wrote a ton about Mass Effect 3. A ton. This Bitmob Wants You collection is going to be massive. (Oh, crap — that's a pun, isn't it? Look what you people have driven me to!)

Honestly, though, we're happy to feature all your articles. So here, in no particular order, is every post on Bitmob about Mass Effect 3 since the game hit stores (minus the ones that have already made the front page).

Well done, soldiers. You did us proud. 

(Light spoilers to follow, but I'll try to be circumspect in my descriptions. Click through at your own risk.)

When complaining about the end of Mass Effect, be a Paragon, not a Renegade
By Mark Villamor

You're gonna see a common theme in these articles: Mass Effect 3's ending. Mark starts us off right with a plea for respect in our reactions to the finale of the well-loved trilogy. Hit the left trigger and check it out.

A week of Mass Effect
By Ned Lesesne

Ned never finished the first Mass Effect. So he has dedicated himself to playing the whole series this week. Yeah. All of it. He's even set up a special blog site to track his journey. Godspeed, sir.

Check after the break for much, much more.


Mass Effect 3

Five things that could have made Mass Effect 3 great…for me
By Reggie Carolipio

The title says it all, mostly, but Reggie pegs a few items that would have improved his experience, including more loot, more quests instead of multiplayer, and free day-one DLC. What would you have changed?

What the end to Mass Effect 3 has taught me about gamers
By Graham Zerebeski

Graham uses the reactions to the series' ending as a jumping-off point for examining gamer culture, how far it's come, and how far it has to go. Interesting take.

A last thought before I finish Mass Effect 3
By Nick Kummert

"I can’t possibly think of an ending that would retroactively make me hate the rest of the series," Nick wrote as he stood on the cusp of finishing Mass Effect 3. Wonder how he feels now….

Saving an empty galaxy: Why a Mass Effect 4 is impossible
By Steven Sukkau

Rather than looking at the ending, Steven gazes beyond it. I'll stop there due to possible spoilage…but he makes some very good points. 

In response to Ben Kuchera's defense of Mass Effect 3's endings
By Kael Hammond

Kael wraps Arthur C. Clarke, Carl Sagan, Aristotle, and more into this post. If a thorough description of the concept of deus ex machina strikes your fancy, you should definitely check it out. 

Mass Effect 3

Why I won't care how Mass Effect 3 ends
By Scott Deakin

Scott's point is simple: The relationships he has formed along his journey through the Mass Effect series mean more to him than the ending. Read on and see if you agree.

Mass Effect 3
By Lonnie Adams

Lonnie's thorough review covers most aspects of the series finale, including the somewhat-maligned multiplayer and its integration into the campaign. 

Social indoctrination
By John Burkhart

John describes the "Retake Mass Effect" movement in the lens of the game's story, likening himself and those like him to Shepard and the forces fighting the Reapers. Are you "indoctrinated"?

Mass Effect 3 is about more than the last 20 minutes
By Ross Adams

Ross' point is one I've seen in many defenses of Mass Effect 3's ending: the whole third game is the finish to the story. He focuses on all the moments he shared with his squadmates as they unite to fight. Good stuff.

I don't care about Shepard (any more): A look at Mass Effect's character development
By Mark T. Whitney

Mark felt his interest waning as he played through ME3, but he couldn't put his finger on why until a specific moment. "My Commander Shepard has instead become The People's Shepard," he writes. Do you feel as strongly for your character as you once did?

The 8 failures of Mass Effect 3
By Bryant "B" Chambers

Leveling, load times, and love affairs are just three of Bryant's eight problems with ME3. (I picked them because they were alliterative.) His arguments are specific, cogent, and sensible. Do you agree?

Mass Effect 3

ME 3 ending: The book vs. the movie
By Patrick Morgan

Patrick asks a simple question: "Did you like the book or the movie?" Not that Mass Effect was a book first — it's just a spark to his discussion of the series' "literary ending." It's a unique take.

BioWare's "initiative"
By Joseph Jordan

Since the backlash against ME3's ending, BioWare has stated plans to release DLC that may (or may not) address certain points. Joseph examines this reaction to a reaction. 

Mass Effect misconceptions
By Masato Nakamura

Mass Effect 3, Masato says, was made out to be something it wasn't. If gamers had a mistaken idea about the game's nonlinearity, he argues, they were wrong. What do you think?

Do you have what it takes to save the galaxy?
By Danny Mercado

Danny, in contrast to Mark's article above, felt even closer than ever to his personal Shepard by the end of Mass Effect 3. His review focuses on that feeling. 

Mass Effect and how to annoy a laid-back gamer
By John Michael

"Why, as the credits began to roll at the end of Mass Effect 3," John writes, "was I so uncharacteristically livid?" You can probably guess already, but do read on for the answer.