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Due to the announcement of Field Week, we're extending our latest community callout by one week. That means you have until May 19 to submit your articles dealing with walkthroughs, guides, and FAQs.
Here are the official rules to participate in the callout:
1. Write any article about walkthrough, guides, or FAQs. Keep it concise — about 200-400 words should do it, but you can go longer if you choose.
2. Tag that article with the following tag "Walkthroughs" — we'll use it as a catchall for this activity.
3. Submit your article to the Mobfeed by May 19, 2010.
Remember that we're asking you to write about walkthroughs, not to actually write them!
Also, please note that Michael Rousseau has dropped a new Writing Challenge on the community: Fog of War. It will be a great chance to improve as a writer!