This post has not been edited by the GamesBeat staff. Opinions by GamesBeat community writers do not necessarily reflect those of the staff.


I have to apologize for something: You probably have no idea who I am. And here at Bitmob, that simply won't do.

See, I've been here for almost a year, and I still haven't gotten around to writing a Meet the Mob post. It's high time that I did so. And I thought maybe you'd like to join me.

What is a Meet the Mob post, you ask? Simple — it's a place to tell us who you are, both personally and as a gamer. Where do you come from? What are your favorite titles? What do you like to do outside of gaming? Cake or pie? Aliens or Blade Runner? Whatever you want to share is cool with us.

Whether you're a consistent community writer, a new site member, or a long-time lurker, we want to hear from you. Who knows — you might even find some new Xbox Live or Steam friends or a fellow Bitmobber with an inexplicable love for the Little Nemo game on NES. Wait…that's me. But you didn't know that about me, did you? That's what Meet the Mob is for!

If you want examples, some of our other staff members have written their own introductions (and to those that haven't, myself included — we need to!):

Be sure to tag your post with "Meet the Mob" when you write it. And if you've already done yours, feel free to link to it in the comments below. Soon we'll all be one big, happy Bitmob family. (I call dibs on the "creepy uncle" role.)

Update: As promised, here's my post. Where's yours?