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OK, never mind what we said yesterday about Super Street Fighter 4's Makoto. Dudley may be where it's at. In today's edition of Super Street Fighter 4 Profiles, Capcom's fighting-game expert Seth Killian talks about why Dudley is such an offensive bad-ass — although a couple of other World Warriors may give the boxer a lot of trouble….



On what he likes about Dudley:

Seth Killian: I think Dudley may be our most popular of the new line-up in Super Street Fighter 4. He has no overwhelming weak points. He's got a ton of moves — I really like the way he operates.

He has a bunch of different options at different ranges. He can use dodges to get around fireballs, he's gota great countermove, he's got a good uppercut, he has one of the best Ultras in the game…he's really just about got it all.

He's not overwhelming in any one department. I will say he's stronger on offense than he is on defense — if you had a choice, that's where you want to be.

He's got sick combos, does pretty good damage, doesn't take too much damage, and has a pretty solid answer for almost everything. So look for him to be not only a tournament regular, but even a favorite amongst more casual players because he's really stylish.

He's got a really strong sense of style. I think people remember that from 3rd Strike, but he's also got a bunch of new taglines. He says, "Keep it classy" now, so I say that around the office a lot, and nobody knows what I'm talking about [laughs]. Soon, people will know what I'm talking about and will find me hilarious.

He's just a really flexible character with a lot of different options. Overall, he's strong.

On the troubles Dudley might face:

SK: One thing he needs to worry about is really strong ranged characters, because I think Dudley is great up close, and he's great from even middle range. But from all the way across the screen? Not so much.

So characters like Dhalsim or Seth are going to give Dudley a hard time because they can pressure him from far away then react to what he does. Those will be two characters he'll have to look out for.

Also see: T. Hawk, DeeJay, Juri, Cody, Guy, Adon, Ibuki, Makoto, Dudley, Hakan

Note: Killian's comments are based on Super Street Fighter 4 as it stands today in its development cycle. Keep in mind the game may go through balancing tweaks leading up to its April 27, 2010 release, so his opinions are subject to change.