This post has not been edited by the GamesBeat staff. Opinions by GamesBeat community writers do not necessarily reflect those of the staff.
Editor's note: It's a match made in game-nerd heaven! -Shoe
In the fall of last year, the 1UP community organized something called Homecoming Week. It was an attempt at bringing back old community members to participate in writing, drawing, and other such activities. That gave me an idea for an event for Bitmob that would help bring together the two communities.
Remember field day back in elementary school? Sometime in the spring, toward the end of the school year, all of the schools would get together and play a bunch of games. The Bitmob/1UP Field Week is the same idea, only the schools are websites, and the games are blog-like activities.
Starting on Monday, May 10th, I will be posting collections of all the activities going on at both sites, and 1UP community member extraordinaire Cody Winn will be doing the same over there. Anyone can run an activity if they'd like — just let me know if you are interested, and we'll talk about which day would work best, etc. Then a post will go up on the front page every morning that spotlights everything else you can participate in. Activities can range from a writing-based exercise like the Writing Prompts that Michael Rousseau is well-known for doing, to a game-related competition. Get creative and figure out something fun to get people involved. All activities on both sites will be linked to in my daily posts here, as well as Cody's over on 1UP. So if you want to participate in something, just be sure to be registered on that particular site and follow that activities posting rules so as to not be overlooked.
I've already talked to several community members to make sure that there will be events taking place; some of them may even have prizes to reward. So, if you'd like to host an activity then get crackin'. You've got a week to let me know what you want to do so I know not to forget you in the morning summaries. You can contact me at bloodstains85 [at] gmail [dot] com if you have any questions. Let's make this thing a success so that the Bitmob and 1UP communities can all rally together and have fun.