Topic > Brianna Wu

Game developers rally against Trump’s Muslim ban

Game developer Brianna Wu is officially running for Congress

Game developer Brianna Wu plans to run for Congress in 2018

Brianna Wu’s Revolution 60 gets Special Edition release on iOS and Steam

The DeanBeat: Farewell to #GamerGate

For Brianna Wu, VR offers a chance to broaden gaming and escape Internet hate

Brianna Wu: Women in tech discussion is ‘about making better games’

The DeanBeat: How technology is advancing the cause of women in video games

Massachusetts congresswoman urges FBI to take Gamergate seriously

Brianna Wu’s Giant Spacekat pulls out of PAX East, blames GamerGate death threats

Brianna Wu speaks up about death threats and personal cost of opposing #GamerGate

The DeanBeat: Like it or hate it, #GamerGate isn't losing steam

GamerGate is McCarthyism. Don't let it silence you (opinion)